Success Stories

S.M, Housewife

JazakAllah for today’s amazing and one of the best workshops I have ever attended…. It’s was a uniquely enjoyable experience Alhamdulillah U kept the program interactive ¡n such a way that not for a minute did I get distracted…Keep the good work going…I look forward to attend many more workshops and in building my personality…. Masha Allah…. All the best

S.M, Housewife

MD Bilal Ahmed

Asslamu alaikum… This was an amazing workshop and much more than I imagined it would be. It was full of amazing things to learn. I have to say attending this NLP workshop is one of the best thing I have done in my life…bcz now I m very confident and hopefull to do extra ordinary things.. Abdul Mannan sir is a very smart and funny coach who trained us with beautiful  skills to how the life is supposed to be live…. Jazakallah sir

MD Bilal Ahmed

Engineer, USA

Asslamalaikum . Br Mannan understands both the psychological and the spiritual aspects of his clients problems and helps them both ways . I have benefitted immensely from him in dealing with my panic attacks and their related symptoms which started out of the blue . Alhumdulillah , After a few sessions , I was able to overcome them with his techniques and discussions with him . I don’t have any panic attacks now like I used to . He is a great resource in this troubled times . May Allah swt reward him for his amazing work .

Engineer, USA


Asslamualaikum Brother- in- Islam!  Thanx a lot Dr.Mannan for all your fruitful techniques ,i know you are not a doctor but still for me you will always be a doctor.I found my meeting with you a positive act.I applied all your given methods in my day to day life  n got tremendous know how to convince n mould  human thoughts very well,i m greatful to have a life coach like you in my city..Best of luck for all your future work may Allah subhana wa ta’la help you always…



I had stress and anxiety issue and was very worried about this condition which was physically hurting me thru tongue biting and jaw clinching and spasm and sprains all over my body but meeting Abdul Mannan in order deal and heal with this distessful condition was so seamless that i never thoght it before that its so easy.   He let me understand and proved me thru hypnosis that it’s all our subconcious mind which rules our concious mind and physical body and it’s every cell if you control your subconcious mind then you can get over with this issur and it’s real even I have seen with my own eyes during hypnosis that my subconcious mind rules every thing… Read more “A UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR FROM KSA”



Alhumdulillah the session was good and effective,i felt relaxed and felt optimistic towards life. the stupid thoughts which were running in my mind are no more teasing me Alhumdulillah.I developed an attitude of searching positivity in negative situations and realised that whatever bad happens to us is for own betterment and it holds something good in future by Allah’s will.jazakumullahu khairan kaseeran.



I had a problem of anxiety for the past 12yrs. Be it a small or a major issue, this problem used to trigger up so much that it would disturb my normal routine to such an  extent, that i get upset and depressed about how I am and how i must tackle this problem. My personal and professional lives were perturbed. I came to know about Abdul  Mannan through Facebook so I approached him. Within a single sitting miraculously, my anxiety level dropped to such a low level that i now feel happy and confident. Abdul Mannan explained me so beautifully how to look for the positive within the negative problems.  He has helped me to look at problems in… Read more “CLIENT”



I would recommend getting Nlp with brother Abdul Mannan Ali.It will really help you gain clarity in life. After just one session I felt really confident. About my life and dealt with issues that were holding me back. He genuinely cares about the clients and makes payment easy and affordable.



After being through a rough patch of my life with my heart broken, mind full of disappointments and lack of self confidence was on a total verge of breakdown, ready to give up. In midst of all these chaos a family member introduced me to a Certified Life Coach.
They introduced me to Coach Abdul Mannan, a fantastic NLP Practitioner, who has showed me the endless possibilities of changes that only I can make for myself, in just one session!!
I have learned to change my perspectives and through it my expectations of the entire world around me. I have learned that being anxious and depressed wasn’t going to take me anywhere, but taking charge of the various… Read more “HOUSEWIFE – INDIA”



The coaching session with Abdul Mannan had a really life changing impact on my life. I am more empowered and confident than before and achieving more in life.
I strongly feel that everyone should know about NLP techniques and children should be made aware from young age so that they live more effective & happy lives



I was suffering from depression and anxiety from past 9 years and started taking medicines a year back then my brother told me to meet Coach Abdul Mannan, Certified NLP coach. I took the session twice and it created miracles in my life. He did coaching to me using different tools and I changed myself. Now Alhumdullilah I stopped taking medicines and I am feeling great. Thanks a lot to him, may Allah bless him.



I would like to express my gratitude to Coach Abdul Mannan for helping me in overcoming my issues with negative emotions, it was really useful as I feel now released and very happy. Once again thank you coach.



I used to have severe headache and I was taking medicine for almost six months. But just a couple of hours of NLP coaching session changed my way of thinking and Alhamdulillah now I am not taking any medicine for it.